Monday, December 22, 2008

The very first Apple's iPhone application by Microsoft

Windows has its very own mobile Operating System called Windows Mobile and it is running in many different handphones. The most recent phones are HTC Touch, Sony Ericsson's Xperia and so on. Microsoft Engineers create their own third party applications to run in the handphone so that people will have interesting applications such as games, etc.

After the the release of Apple's iPhone, they have released their own free software development kit (SDK) to allow people who are interested in creating third party applications for the the iPhone. The best thing about iPhone compared to any other phones is that, iPhone has the best accelerated built in graphics and hardware performance which is able to provide quality application to the user.

Now, some of the the Microsoft engineers have created an iPhone application called Seadragon Mobile and it has already been available in the app store. Soon, this application will be released for Windows mobile later on. 

The Seadragon Mobile is third party application that allows the users to quickly deep zoom on the images while online, according to

Let's see what else can Microsoft engineers provide more from the Apple'e SDK for iPhone.

For more information, visit the source that is located at the end of this post and thanks for taking some time to read this post.

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